
¿Comité Itty Bitty Titty?

Oct 4, 2022 | Lactancia materna

Does size really matter?

Are you part of the itty bitty club or are you rocking massive melons? It doesn’t really matter! It’s a myth that smaller chest size mean you won’t produce enough milk for your baby. In fact, a mom with a small chest can make just as much milk, or more as a mom with a large chest.

Your body is meant to keep up with your baby’s demands and milk production is really all about supply and demand. The more milk your baby takes from you or that you pump the more milk you will make. So each time you breastfeed or pump, you’re telling your body to make more milk.

Volume (how much milk the breasts make) should not be confused with capacity (how much milk the breasts store). Moms can produce the same amount of milk, but have different storage capacities. Babies of mothers with larger storage capacities may breastfeed fewer times a day compared to babies of mom with smaller capacities, but still take in similar amounts of milk over the course of the day.

Be proud of what you’ve got! You make exactly what your baby needs!

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