
Talk to Your Insurance Company as Soon as Possible

Most insurance plans cover double electric breast pumps because of the Affordable Care Act, but not all plans fall under the ACA so it’s important to talk to your insurance company and find out what you need to do to have a pump covered as soon as possible in your pregnancy.

  • Do you cover breast pumps?
  • Do I need a prescription? If so, what does the prescription need to say?
  • When can I receive a pump? Does my baby need to be born first?
  • How often do you cover pumps? Example, with every baby or every X months, etc?
  • Do you cover hospital-grade rental pumps? Under what circumstances? (Note: many plans let the mom choose either a rental OR a personal-use pump — if this is the case we advise waiting until your baby is born to see what you really need.)
  • What DMEs can I use to get my pump? (DMEs are medical equipment suppliers and since breast pumps are medical devices they need to be supplied by a DME.)
  • Are breastfeeding supplies and accessories covered? How? (Some plans cover spare parts for your pump, etc.)
  • How do I receive lactation services? (seeing a lactation consultant, etc.) Do you have a provider list? (You never know when you need to see an IBCLC and knowing what is covered can save a lot of time later.

Visit the Ardo USA Store Locator

Our Store & DME Locator is here. Look for a DME or retailer reasonably close to you first. Most DMEs have contracts with many insurance companies and moms do not have to be located in the state where the DME’s office is for every plan. Start with the DME closest to you and click on the VIEW DETAILS link to see the extended information about each DME or retailer. If they have told Ardo the information about which insurance plans they can accept, we have listed it here.

If you do not see a DME reasonably close to you or you need any help finding a DME for your plan, email us at support@ardo-usa.com and we will help you find a pump directly.

TIP: If you are having trouble finding a DME that carries Ardo products, ask them to carry the Calypso. Most DMEs want to carry the products that moms ask for, and they take your suggestions seriously.
