

10 月 5, 2022 | Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding positions – what are the options?

Being comfortable while breastfeeding is important as it will make you feel more relaxed, which will ultimately help your milk flow more easily. You can keep changing them over the course of breastfeeding to find the position that is best for you. 

To get each feed off to the best possible start, you should hold your baby so that:

  • the ear, shoulder and hip are in line and your baby is facing towards you
  • your baby’s mouth is on a level with your nipple
  • the tip of their nose and the chin touch your breast throughout the feed
  • your baby’s upper and lower lips are pushed out
  • your arm is supported and your shoulders are relaxed

You and your baby lie on one side close together, so that your bellies are touching. This position is particularly good at night or if you want to rest while you feed during the day.

Laid-back (intuitive breastfeeding)

You sit or lie half-upright with your upper body comfortably supported by cushions. The baby lies on her belly on your naked breast; she may be either naked or dressed.

Football hold

Your baby’s back rests on your forearm; your hand supports her head and her legs are stretched out towards your back. A breastfeeding pillow provides support so that you don’t need to use muscle power to hold your baby’s weight.

In this position, it is easy for you to check and judge how your baby is sucking. This breastfeeding position is especially good for feeding twins or premature babies and is also useful after a Caesarean or when your baby has a cold.

Classic cradle hold

Your baby lies on her side supported by your arm so that her whole body is facing towards you. Your hand supports her bottom.

Cross cradle hold

Your baby lies on her side supported by your arm and her whole body is facing towards you. When you put her to your right breast you hold her with your left arm so that your forearm is supporting her and her head is resting on your hand.

You may still experience nipple pain, even after trying these different breastfeeding positions. In that case, it’s best to work with a breastfeeding professional. They may recommend the use of a nipple shield to give your nipples some relief. Our Tulips Nipple Shields are made in Switzerland, BPA free, ultra-thin, soft, and specially designed for your baby. The ridge-free design helps maximize skin-to-skin contact so you can continue your breastfeeding journey.

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