How to build a freezer stash

Leaving your baby for the first time can be very stressful, but storing enough milk for your baby to drink doesn’t have to be. Many mamas think that you need a large amount of stored milk in your freezer, especially if you are returning to work for the first...

The Anatomy of Breastfeeding

So you want to breastfeed, awesome!!!!!! Breastfeeding is natural so it should be easy right?  It’s instinctual for both you and baby… not so much.  It is natural, but it’s anything but easy.  Your body is made for this and your boobs can do this but...

Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is always an interesting topic when I’m talking to pregnant moms.  Many moms to be have had some sort of augmentation and are leery of whether they can breastfeed or not.  I’m here to tell you that it totally depends, so...