Yes, your pump is a closed system!

One of the most important features for you to look for when you are selecting your breast pump is the ability to clean your breast pump and have it stay clean. Yet, not all pumps come with this ability and risk the possibility of contaminating your milk. Breast pumps,...

Keeping Up Your Milk Supply When You Are Stressed

When you are scared, anxious, or stressed, the stress hormones (mainly Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Norepinephrine) coursing through your body inhibit the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is an important breastfeeding/breast pumping hormone because it is responsible for...

Caffeine in Breast Milk

Hey sleepy mama, we know that parenting a little one can require an extra boost, especially around daylight savings time. If you’re wondering if it’s safe to drink that cup of coffee that’s calling out to you, the answer is YES! According to...

Breast Milk Changes Throughout The Day

Did you know that the composition of your breast milk changes throughout the day to adapt to your baby’s needs? It’s more than just a meal – it’s also a clock that provides time-of-day information to your growing baby.Morning milk is often...