Caffeine in Breast Milk

Hey sleepy mama, we know that parenting a little one can require an extra boost, especially around daylight savings time. If you’re wondering if it’s safe to drink that cup of coffee that’s calling out to you, the answer is YES! According to...

The Anatomy of Breastfeeding

So you want to breastfeed, awesome!!!!!! Breastfeeding is natural so it should be easy right?  It’s instinctual for both you and baby… not so much.  It is natural, but it’s anything but easy.  Your body is made for this and your boobs can do this but...

Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is always an interesting topic when I’m talking to pregnant moms.  Many moms to be have had some sort of augmentation and are leery of whether they can breastfeed or not.  I’m here to tell you that it totally depends, so...

97% of Midwives Recommend Calypso Double Plus

We at Ardo are convinced that our Swiss Made breast pumps are high-quality products in every way. And what do healthcare professionals think who are confronted on a daily basis with issues about breastfeeding and expressing milk? With our large-scale expert survey, we...
Is This Mastitis?

Is This Mastitis?

Your milk ducts are areas of your breast where milk flows. When this becomes clogged you may notice a lump or area of engorgement that might be hot, swollen and red. With a clogged duct you will otherwise feel normal. If you think you have a clogged duct click here....